Our Programs

African Cultural Exchange

These opportunities are designed for direct connections with workers in Africa and those they serve. Through our African partner's facilitation, we encourage those working with them as well those they are working among through our unified love of Christ. During these opportunities, we form relationships, exchange culture, and build bridges that lead to the reception of the message of the Gospel.

International Worker Connection

We aim to connect missionaries on the field in various countries to churches and networks who can partner with them to reach the world for Christ. These churches can join by way of prayer, project help, resource development, missionary care and as well as extra hands and feet to help in special events in specific countries.

Africa Mission Trips

Opportunities to go and share the Love of Jesus Christ in Africa. Participants will receive help with fundraising and will receive guidance on vaccinations, visas, field security and all preparation related to international travel.

What Good is a short-term Trip?

Mission Training

Participants will be trained in cultural awareness, country political climate, spiritual discipline, and trauma healing as well as equipped to assist the field missionaries. 

Mission Consultation

With over 20 years of mission movement experience in Africa, we can share best practices and encourage your church or Christian group in ways they can fulfill the Great Commission from the back pew of the church to the frontline of the unreached areas of Africa.

Africa-Led Seminars

Leaders working in Africa will share biblical, cultural and contextual ways of sharing and encouraging others in the work in the USA and abroad.

Spiritual Healing Groups

These groups are to help Christians process heart wounds and heal from emotionally painful experiences. Leading these groups are certified Trauma Healing Facilitators who have been equipped for leading people through an approved training and practice through the Trauma Healing Institute.

Agency Fairs

1040 Africa Missions is a part of several networks that offer training and resources.  These events exhibit  those agencies that are serving in Africa and actively looking for African Americans to join their international teams.

Contact us.

Interested in learning more about what we do or how you can help? Contact us below.