What we do?

10:40 AM is focused on finishing the task of spreading the Gospel throughout the world. We actively recruit prospective Missionaries by way of short-term field opportunities. We partner with existing sending agencies as well as indigenous ministries.  Our focus is in the area of Africa where there is the least exposure to the Gospel. This area of the world is resistant for historical reasons.  This should not hinder the spread of the Gospel.   In this area Christianity is seen as “the White Man’s Religion”.  Upon the request of current Missionaries and indigenous Christians on the field, 10:40 AM focuses on inviting and enabling people of color to join the mission force in more adequate proportions to sustain the necessary presence for establishing Christian communities.

Whatever it Takes!


Together we..

  • Seek out new perspective candidates for field ministry.

  • Train candidates for intercultural service

    Provide opportunities for candidates to work with workers in Africa

  • Connect aspiring full-time candidates with sending agencies working in the field matching their gifting and skill

  • Connect churches with “trusted” workers in the field

  • Help workers who represent Christ in specific areas areas